lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011

End of the summer

The Summer of Code has come to its end. It has been three wonderful months, in which I've learnt and hacked a lot. I hope the improvements to EclipseFP will be used and have made it a useful tool for all the Haskell programmers out there :D

One of the tasks I've also done during the summer is building a new webpage for EclipseFP. You can find it in In the next days, a new release of EclipseFP with all the changes I've done though the summer will be made available.

I cannot end my summer whithout thanking my mentor, Thomas Schilling, who has been responsive and helped me a lot with the Haskell coding; and JP Moresmau, the current EclipseFP maintainer, who helped me in my first steps diving into the Eclipse Platform. I also have a debt with A O Van Emmenis and Chris Done for the discussions we had about IDEs and Haskell during the last CamHac and the pile of suggestions they gave me.

I hope you have enjoyed the show, and I'll be delighted of hearing how people used EclipseFP, and willing to implemented more features during the next months.

1 comentario:

  1. You did great work! When I read your project proposal it sounded very ambitious and I didn't think you could do all of the things you proposed. But you did. Well done, indeed!
